
Westminster Group announce their partnership with Certific

With Coronavirus continuing to spread around the world, the emphasis on testing and vaccinations to help restart the economy and reduce the risk of importing new variants is growing.

In parallel with vaccines, mass testing is essential to allow people to return to a more normal life and companies to operate properly again. Large scale testing needs to be fast, affordable, and reliable in order to enable businesses to reopen again safely and help life get back to normal.

Certific is a government approved end-to-end service for Coronavirus home testing kits. This service will predominantly be used to allow the public to travel overseas and attend large scale events – utilising a medical certificate to establish the person’s COVID status.

The Certific service includes a unique mobile application, providing a digital medical certification, which is recognised and accepted worldwide.

Certific’s app verifies users’ identities and instructs them on how to correctly perform a Coronavirus test. Individuals order a COVID test online from a UKAS accredited company. After downloading the secure Certific app, the user is guided on how to video record themselves taking the test from the comfort of their own home. The test is then shipped to a lab for analysis. Results and a certificate of verification will appear on the app the following day.

Westminster have been working with Certific for several months as business-critical partners in the Quality Assurance and implementation of the service, and we are delighted to confirm that they have secured Government contracts to supply all types of international travel packs.

Certific have several packages, including the ‘Day 2 & 8 Package’, the ‘Day-5 Test to Release’ package and the ‘Fit-to-Fly’ package. Each package includes free delivery, full certification for any country, and will give a same-day result if the test arrives in the London lab by 1 pm.

As the world opens up once more and international travel restrictions are slowly relaxed, the demand for these packages will increase and so making mass home testing quick and accessible for all is of utmost importance.

“Westminster is delighted to announce its partnership with Certific in their new initiative. Coronavirus testing is one of the key elements to help prevent the importation of new COVID variants and to allow people to return to social events with the confidence.

“The Certific app and user journey is designed to increase trust in remote testing and ensure that self-performed tests reach the same standard as those carried out in a clinical setting and is a unique service, whereby all tests are visually reviewed to ensure no falsification of test results and that the test has been done accurately.

“We look forward to working alongside Certific as the business grows from strength to strength.”

Jo Fowler, Head of Services

If you are interested in finding out more information about Certific, please visit our Remote COVID Testing webpage.