
Westminster provide a number of UK prisons with the WG 420 and other coronavirus protection products.

Westminster have recently provided multiple prisons in the UK with WG 420 Temperature Screening and Sanitisation Devices, alongside other screening and sanitisation products, to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus in detention centres.

The World Health Organisation warned that prisons around the world can expect large numbers of death from the virus if they don’t take immediate action, such as screening for the disease.

According to The Guardian, ‘overcrowding means it is not possible in prisons to respect the guidelines around handwashing with soap, individual towels and social distancing.’ These limitations mean it is essential to employ extra measures in order to prevent the spread of the virus.

Westminster’s WG 420 Body Temperature Detector and Sanitiser can be used as a first-level screening test for accurately identifying individuals that have an above normal body temperature, typically associated with viruses such as Coronavirus, Influenza and SARS. The device also incorporates a hand sanitiser dispenser, to be used as an extra precaution.

The prisons that Westminster have supplied to are using the WG 420 to screen staff at the beginning of their shift, making sure that anyone presenting COVID symptoms are not brought into contact with prisoners. These systems should prevent the virus from spreading among prisoners, staff, and visitors.

Westminster have a range of products that are designed to assist with the prevention of COVID-19, including UV-C Sanitisation systems and Social Distancing Alert Devices.

To find out more about the WG 420, or any of our other COVID solutions, please click here to visit our website, or contact us at [email protected].