
Westminster Hosts Security Seminar in Sri Lanka

Westminster International Ltd, in conjunction with the British High Commission (BHC) and UK Trade & Industry (UKTI), has held a two day security seminar in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

The event, held on 26 & 27 August 2009 at the BHC’s conference facilities, was extremely well attended.

With the regular war in the North of Sri Lanka ending recently, however the potential for insurgent activity increasing, it was felt that this was an opportune time to conduct security seminars for commercial organisations and government/defence departments.  The focus of discussions was blast protection, security of buildings, enhancing perimeter security, protection of critical infrastructure and various anti terrorism and crime reduction solutions.

The event was conceived and run by Westminster’s regional director Peter Lalor in conjunction with Westminster Lanka, Westminster’s local agents.  Extensive support was provided by the BHC in Sri Lanka and UKTI.

The first day had a ‘commercial’ emphasis with security managers and facilities managers invited from large commercial companies and organisations:

  • Hotel & Leisure industry
  • Banks & Financial Institutions
  • Telecom companies
  • ICT Companies
  • Energy Industry
  • Private Security Firms

Presentations during this session covered areas such as: a Westminster Overview, Building & Perimeter Security, Blast Protection, Entry Screening, Mobile X-Ray Scanners and Cash-in-Transit.

The second day focused on Governmental clients, with delegates from relevant:

  • Ministries
  • Departments
  • Agencies
  • Armed Forces
  • Presidential Guard

The presentations were changed to cover specific areas of interest including: a Westminster Overview, Physical Security, Surveillance and Tracking Systems, IED Protection, Identity Resolution Analysis, Airport Security and Maritime Security.

Westminster’s regional office in Dubai is currently dealing with the resulting requests.

Commenting on the agreement Peter Fowler, Chief Executive of Westminster Group, said:

“I am delighted that we have been able to run such a seminar and the success of the event is to a large extent due to the determination and professionalism of our Regional Director, Peter Lalor and his team based in Dubai.

“The excellent support and service we received from the British High Commission and UKTI should also not go unmentioned.

“Sri Lanka represents an important market for us as we already have a number of significant projects under discussion. We have a strong local agent in Westminster Lanka and following this seminar we anticipate strong demand for Westminster’s services in the coming months.”