
Westminster Hosts Ministerial Delegation from Southern Sudan

On Thursday 24th April the Westminster Group Plc hosted at its UK Headquarters a delegation from the Government of Southern Sudan, including the Hon David Deng Athorbei, Minister of Transport and Roads.

In March Westminster received a Letter of Appointment confirming the award of a contract for extensive security enhancements at Juba Airport, Southern Sudan and the Minister’s visit to Westminster was a follow up meeting to discuss the issues involved.

The contract, valued at circa 4.7 million USD, involves the installation of a high security perimeter fence which will be protected by Westminster’s FOSS fibre detection system. It will detect any attempt to cut, climb or lift the fence, together with airport surveillance cameras, a control & command system and a range of specialist scanning equipment.

During the course of the meeting Westminster also demonstrated a wide range of other security solutions including radar and surveillance systems displayed at its 4.5 acre demonstration grounds near Banbury, Oxfordshire UK.

Left to right – Michael Oxlade, Roger Worrall, Peter Fowler (Westminster CEO), Ian Prince (M.D A.B.A Ltd), Minister David Deng Athorbei (Minister of Transport & Roads, Government of Southern Sudan), Mr. Simon Kun Puoch (Director General of Finance, Government of Southern Sudan)