
Westminster Group hosts 10th Annual Fireworks & Bonfire Party

On Saturday 8th November the Westminster Group Plc once again hosted its annual Bonfire & Fireworks Party in the grounds of the Corporate Headquarters at Banbury, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.

This year was the 10th anniversary of this popular event, which is run each year to provide a free social evening for staff, family, friends, neighbours, suppliers & shareholders and the event was a great success with over 200 people attending on the evening.

A free Bar-B-Q and wide selection of refreshments, a 20 minute firework display to music and a huge bonfire all contributed to the party atmosphere throughout the evening.

The event is also run as a fundraiser for Westminster’s selected charities including the Katharine House Hospice, a most deserving cause which Westminster have regularly supported over the years. The main aim of the hospice is to support those people with life-threatening illnesses whose disease is not responsive to curative treatment. The aim is to maintain quality of life and for patients to remain in their own homes where this is possible or requested. Patients can be referred immediately after diagnosis or at a later stage in the illness.

The ever popular raffle which featured dozens of prizes, many donated by members of staff, suppliers and friends together with donations raised over £700 GBP on the evening, which was a record for the event so far!

Commenting on the event Westminster’s Chairman Sir Malcolm Ross said:

"I was delighted to see so many people attend and enjoy this year’s event and from comments we have received it is obvious people enjoyed themselves, not least the many children present with their free sweets and sparklers, despite the inclement weather!

"I was also very pleased we have been able to raise so much money from the event for worthy causes.

"However these events do not happen without a lot of organisation and I would like to pay tribute to those members of staff who worked so hard in the run up to and on the day itself, to make this event the success it undoubtedly was!"