
Sovereign Ferries – Service commencing

Westminster Group Plc is pleased to announce that its Managed Services Division subsidiary Sovereign Ferries Ltd is ready to commence its ferry service in Sierra Leone, West Africa.

National registration formalities, sea trials and International safety compliance checks have all been completed. Trial passages with passengers, both on land and sea, have proved very successful. Terminals and associated infrastructure have been made ready and the Company has taken delivery of two modern luxury air conditioned coaches ready to provide an integrated professional transfer link between airport and ferry terminals.

Accordingly, the much needed and long awaited ferry service, providing a fast, safe and professional ferry service between the airport and the capital, Freetown, is due to commence on 9 December 2016.  This service is highly anticipated by not only the government and population but also by the airlines that operate into the country. Ticket sales and marketing campaigns have commenced including promotional billboard videos at strategic locations in the city.

Not only will the Company be providing a valuable service but is also creating much needed local employment with over 60 new local jobs being created. In addition the Company will in due course be expanding its range of services and routes and is also in discussions for additional regional routes which could commence in 2017.

Timetables, designed to co-ordinate with airline schedules and other information as the Company expands its services may be found on the Sovereign Ferries website.