
Peter Fowler – Westminster CEO speaks at Venturefest 2008

Peter Fowler, Westminster’s CEO, joined a panel of speakers at ‘Venturefest 2008’ held at Unipart House, Oxford, England.

Venturefest, which this year celebrated its 10th anniversary, is a successful, free two-day event providing support, advice, funding and facilitated serendipity (networking) to early stage and fast growing companies within the UK.

The event, held on 30th June & 1st July, involved a range of speakers, covering a wide programme supporting enterprise & innovation, over several sessions on both days.

On day 1 the Keynote Address was given by Lord Sainsbury and Westminster’s CEO Peter Fowler gave his perspective on the IPO experience, in the well attended session immediately following his address entitled "IPO Start to Finish".