
Further orders from Ecobank, Ghana, for Westminster International

Westminster International announces that it has secured another important repeat contract award from Ecobank Ghana, a leading independent West African banking group, valued at circa USD 360,000.

Ecobank serves wholesale and retail customers from its network of over 350 branches across 18 countries throughout West and Central Africa.

Westminster International undertook a pilot installation in early 2007 at one of Ecobank’s principal offices for the provision of fully integrated security systems including CCTV surveillance, bespoke ATM monitoring equipment, access control and intruder alarm systems. Following the success of the pilot, Westminster received an order in July 2007 to install systems in 6 branches for a value of USD 300K. In April 2008 Westminster received a further order valued at USD 90k.

This latest award to protect an additional 8 branches of Ecobank will commence immediately and last for several months. The total number of branches in West Africa so far protected by Westminster is 17, with a total contract value to date of USD 750k. It is Ecobank’s intention to roll out similar security protection throughout its entire branch network.

Commenting on the latest contract award, Peter Fowler, Chief Executive of Westminster Group, said:
"I am delighted to announce this latest contract award particularly as this is repeat business from an important existing client. Coming on top of other recent awards it further demonstrates our ability to build long-term relationships and provide high quality services to clients worldwide."

"It is always gratifying to receive repeat business from existing clients. Having previously carried out several projects for Ecobank in West Africa, I am aware of how seriously they take the security of their premises and banking infrastructure and the importance they place on reliable, professional services such as those provided by Westminster."