
2009 Fireworks & Bonfire Party

On Sunday 8th November the Westminster Group Plc hosted its 11th annual Bonfire & Fireworks Party on the grounds of its Corporate Headquarters at Banbury, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.

This year was the 11th anniversary of this popular event, which is run each year to provide a free social evening for family and friends of staff, Westminster neighbours, suppliers & shareholders. This year’s event was a great success with well over 200 people attending.

A free Bar-B-Q and wide selection of refreshments, a 20-minute firework display set to music and a huge bonfire all contributed to the party atmosphere throughout the evening.

The event is also run as a fundraiser for Westminster’s selected charities including the Katharine House Hospice and the Royal British Legion. Donations coupled with the raffle sales raised £700 GBP.

Commenting on the event Westminster’s CEO Peter Fowler said:

“I was delighted to see so many people attend and realize that these events do not happen without a lot of organisation and tireless effort. I would like to pay tribute to those members of staff who worked so hard in the run up to and on the day itself, to make this event a success!”