
Keyguard UK Ltd assist BAM FM with maintaining the ACS accreditation

Westminster and Keyguard would like to congratulate BAM FM on their renewed ACS accreditation.

Keyguard UK Ltd, Westminster Group’s manned security solutions company were awarded a contract with Facilities Management company, BAM FM, 2 years ago. As part of the contract, Keyguard was tasked with assisting BAM FM in maintaining their SIA Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) accreditation and improving the ACS accreditation pass score for a period of 3 years.

In 2019, Keyguard re-wrote and updated BAM FM’s ACS Self-Assessment Workbook, improved their systems, and doubled their pass record, before auditing their site this year. This audit and Self-Assessment Workbook update will have to be redone in 2021.

We are pleased to announce that, after the consultancy work and site audits carried out by Keyguard, BAM FM has recently had their ACS audit and have passed again with flying colours.

To find out more about Keyguard and how they can help you, please click here to view our website or email [email protected].